Truth is Undefeated

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." George Orwell

A human's ability and audacity to lie still amazes me. This ability becomes normalized for many people, so much so, that when someone counters and confronts them with the simplest truth, they are stunned, taken aback, offended, etc.

Why is it so difficult to just live in the truth? We were never born as liars. In fact, the mere notion of deceit, lying, falsehood and all its synonyms never exist in a child's mind and vocabulary...until introduced to it by example. 

I personally don't think we would ever know the notion of lying if not introduced to it at a young age by example of older people, which includes our parents, along with everyone else children come into contact.

In the animal kingdom, humans are the only animals that lie. Other animals live in the moment, moment to moment, such that the truth is all they know in that moment. Other than predatory trickery, all they know is truth. Lying doesn't exist in their world. A scorpion is always a scorpion...a frog always a frog....

We are unfortunately not able to force ourselves to truly live in the moment. If we did, we'd realize there's no need for lying. But we're so overwhelmed in our minds of our thoughts, plans, goals, agendas, etc., that it hinders our ability to pause and reflect in the moment. 

Reflection FORCES us to face the truth, but still, many deny it in pursuit of their agenda. The mass proliferation of technology, social media, digital and virtual environments have made it even easier for people to submit to lies and untruths, almost calling for it.

Thus, our inability to pause and reflect in the moment makes our lives much more complicated and difficult than need be. But we still have the audacity to complain how difficult our lives are when we are the genesis of most of those challenges. When confronted by the truth, we hide behind righteous indignation.

There's no easy fix unfortunately. Every person simply has to work on doing a better job of being accountable to themselves. When you avoid looking into your own eyes in the mirror, have difficulty with restful sleep and/or can't seem to find a moment of real peace of mind in your life, that should be a wake-up call to your life of living in denial.

I personally love, cherish and respect truth in its truest form. I'm a fan of truth! It's a great team. It always wins, it never loses. Team Truth is undefeated! Why wouldn't ALL of us want to be on an undefeated team? Right? Makes sense to me, but I guess some people like being on losing teams.


Are We in a REAL-a-tionship?