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Who Do You See in the Mirror?

Are you 1% better today than you were yesterday? If you have the slightest hesitation before you answer this question, then it’s time to think (and re-think) about the things you are doing in your life that are either helping you become better or are impeding that progress.

Continual personal growth and self-improvement are fundamental aspects of life. While many elements of your life are not in your control, your focus on self-improvement is 100% in your control. Notice that “focus” is the key, not the resulting self-improvement. It’s simply a matter of choice and a clear perspective. Once that is made, self-improvement easily falls in line and effortlessly becomes the result.

A Growth Mindset Allows for Opportunities and Learning

Personal growth requires a growth mindset. This is simply a choice that you make to either view every situation as a learning experience or one where you are victim to the challenge/adversity. If you’ve ever uttered the words, “I don’t have time for that now” or “I can’t believe this is happening to me”, then you’ve allowed yourself to be the victim. Your mind is cowering instead of growing in that moment.

When you “don’t have time for that now” or you “can’t believe this is happening”, that means you’ve mistakenly (and arrogantly) assumed that you are in control of a situation and that something has become an obstacle to that control. You have closed your mind to the opportunities and learning lessons within this challenge.

Life-Changing Realizations

When viewing a challenge/adversity as an opportunity, three things occur: (1) an option or a solution that is actually better than what you thought was in your control, (2) the life-changing lesson that you learn during this process and (3) the realization that when you relinquish control, a growth mindset emerges that allows for creativity, openness and learning.

The Only Thing You Can Control is PERSPECTIVE

Just remember this most important point: you have NO control of anything whatsoever. If you think you do, you’ve simply set yourself for an endless loop of frustration. The only control you have is the powerful knowledge that you are NOT in control. Once you have changed your perspective to this understanding, you naturally develop a growth mindset that sets you on a path of consistent personal growth and self-improvement.

Your Life Assessment Quiz

Take the quick life assessment quiz below to see where you are on the spectrum of personal growth.

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