Why is it So Hard to Lose Weight, and Keep it Off?

It’s not hard at all actually. This is a bold statement, but at the core, it’s very true. Losing weight and keeping it off are falsely perceived to be hard because your expectation is completely wrong and warped. Most people who want to “lose weight” carry the false notion that within a certain period of time (usually a short period), they expect to lose X number in pounds, as if your body is simply expected to perform on demand. The quick fix syndrome is definitely at play.

The fatal mistake most people make is that they jump into some sort of “weight loss” program without understanding how the body works. More importantly, they skip the very first step altogether, which is the mental, emotional and psychological commitment and understanding of what it takes to actually achieve your desired result. This first step is by far the most important. And when it’s taken and made seriously, the process that follows is usually effortless. It takes away the false “hard” perception and helps you freely enter a world and lifestyle devoted to changing your complete approach to health, healthy living and healthy weight loss.

This complete and holistic approach focuses on the four key components of your life: (1) health and fitness lifestyle, (2) nutrition, (3) energy/stress management and (4) sleep. Routine physical activity/exercise is important. Eating properly, nutritionally and within a daily caloric level becomes a habit. Making sure you seek daily personal enjoyment to improve energy levels and manage stress is crucial. And most importantly, the area that is often overlooked and taken for granted: sleep. Getting vital hours of REM sleep every night is an absolute necessity for recovery. It also serves as the fueling and driving force to consistently maintain the other three.

When you truly focus on each of these aspects and commit to their long-term alignment, your mind-body-soul connection becomes so sharp that everything becomes easy to conquer. You don’t look at losing weight any longer. You simply commit to altering your ways of daily living to be in alliance with these four phases of your life. When that happens, the weight drops, and stays off, forever! You’re not trying anymore; you’re simply living your best life at that point.

“Live in the REAL!” goes into much greater detail about the various processes of losing weight, all of which are based on a complete lifestyle makeover. Remember that the most important first step is the commitment to changing your perspective on what it takes to effect the permanent changes in your life, such as losing weight.


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